Right to Information Act

Sri Lanka’s Right to Information (RTI) Act comes into effect by bringing with it a promise of open government, citizens’ active participation in governance, and accountability to the people of the country.


Right to Information Act No. 12 of 2016

To obtain information relevant to this institution under the above Act, one can apply to the following Information Officer through RTI 01. Submission of this application is not mandatory.

Information Officer:

R.M.N.S. Ratnayake,
Director (Finance and Revenue),
Provincial Treasury,
Provincial Council Administration Building.
Contact telephone numbers: – 025 2237812
Email: – nsrakobei@gmail.com

01. Submit a written RTI 01 application or letter or oral request to the Information Officer for information and obtain a letter stating that it has been received.

02. You will be informed as soon as possible, however within 14 days, whether the information related to your request can be provided.

03. If it is decided to give you the requested information and if a fee is payable for this, you will be notified. Information prescribed will be given to you within 14 days form your request and after the payment of the fee, if it is required.

04. If it is difficult to provide the information within 14 days after payment of the fee, the Information Officer will give you the requested information within an additional period of not more than 21 days stating the reasons for extending the period.

05. Request for Information In case of a citizen’s life and personal liberty, the request will be answered within 48 hours of receipt of the request.

06. In connection with a request made for information,

  • Refusal to accept any request for information.
  • Refusal to grant access to any information due to information exempt from granting under Section 5 of the Act.
  • Failure to comply with the time limits specified by the Act.
  • Granting incomplete, misleading or inaccurate information.
  • Charging additional fees.
  • Refusal of the Information Officer to provide the information in the requested format.
  • The citizen requesting the information must have reasonable grounds that the information has been distorted, destroyed or misplaced to prevent the citizen from accessing the information.

If you are dissatisfied, please submit an appeal to the following designated officer within 14 days.

Nominated Officer:

Mrs. US Arunaravi,
Designation: – Deputy Chief Secretary (Finance),
Address: – Provincial Treasury,
Provincial Council Administration Building
3rd Floor B
North Central Province,
Contact telephone numbers: – 025-2237430
Email: – treasurync@gmail.com
